Friday, November 15, 2019

Tasting The Past

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. The promise of roast turkey, savory dressing, and coffee with pie already tickles the tongues of eager Americans. It’s a fun time to be a food lover, unless you've been a food blogger for more than a decade.

In the past, I’ve recommended Gewürztraminer as a wine pairing for turkey, I’ve examined the probable menu for the “first Thanksgiving” feast, I’ve written about Thanksgiving appetizers, and shared my recipe for oyster dressing more than once. In fact, here it is again; why not?
I have nothing new, culinarily speaking, to say regarding Thanksgiving. Nothing. Bupkiss. Sure, I could surf the internet for unique recipes, such as “Sour Cream & Chive Biscuits,” and pass them on to you, but unless I take the time to tweak such recipes, making them my own, I’m committing plagiarism.

Perhaps having nothing new is OK though. If Thanksgiving is about anything it’s about tradition. It’s about passing time honored recipes from one generation to the next. There's much to be said for doing that special dish the way mom used to make it. Taste can connect us to our past in a way old photos and crocheted wall hangings simply can’t.

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